rhodonite crystal energy


Work with the healing attributes of Rhodonite to balance your "anahata" heart chakra. Rhodonite is the stone for healing, self-compassion and self-love.

The name comes from the Greek word 'rhodon' meaning 'rose' because of its color. It represents both the heart chakra and the root chakra. When our root chakra is in balance, we feel safe and secured.

Rhodonite helps to uplift from low emotional vibrations and negative emotions including depression, grief, loss, feelings of despair, and self-blame. It offers solace and liberation in moving away from triggers and trauma, towards healing and love.

Often when we experience emotional upheavals, we build walls that can become insurmountable for our own selves, making it even more difficult to love and be loved, causing us to remain stuck in our wounds.  To feel differently and let in hope, we must give ourselves the same forgiveness we seek from others to break free from the past.

Rhodonite helps to root out the toxic energies that may be harming us and help us reconnect with ourselves. We must confront our shadows in order to get to our next levels. This crystal aids in introspection. 

Remember, all crystals reflect, refract, redirect, and refocus energy. We must do our part by setting the intention and focusing on what we truly want. Be intentional. Commit to a new feeling. We must let go of old labels that we have attached to our identities as we become more attuned. You aren’t a victim. You’re a survivor. You're not a casualty, you're a conqueror!


This particular crystal requires to be cleansed more often than not to wash away all the emotional energies that it undoubtedly will pick up along the journey. Sage smoke to cleanse the crystal to let light return to the stone. It can also be cleansed with water. Charge up with sunlight.

This crystal pairs nicely with rose quartz. 

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