black obsidian energy

Black Obsidian- the cutter in the crystal kingdom_ the spiritual detoxifier.

Works with the crown and third eye chakras. A rock of protection.

This stone is actually volcanic glass and not a crystal, made from the rapid cooling process of the magma not leaving sufficient time for crystal growth. This in no way means that it does not have healing properties or an energetic signature. 

In ancient times, obsidian was used for cutting tools and weapons, like blades and arrowheads. A well-crafted obsidian blade can be as sharp as a surgical steel scalpel. This defines the energy properties and the energetic signature of black obsidian.Black obsidian works quick and fast, removing any negative emotional vibrations we may have internally or externally, as well as giving a feeling of urgency in cleansing and closing out the areas of our lives that are not serving our best interests. Obsidian has a very mysterious, transformative, and protective energy. 


It will quickly absorb and shield from negative energies. Obsidian is termed the ‘psychic vacuum cleaner, serving as a spiritual cleaning service’ because it also cleanses the aura and clears out psychic smog. This is such an important part of the work because once we get cleared, we can tap into our intuition and make better choices for ourselves and heal in the areas that we must thereby closing out old chapters and starting new ones. 

The ancients used this stone as a mirror because it's so reflective. It also consists of magnetite and hematite giving it magnetic properties.  

This stone is ideal for SHADOW WORK, coined by the late great Carl Jung!  Our shadows are the parts of ourselves that we aren’t proud of, that most of us ultimately hide from the rest of the world and subconsciously reject. But, repressing your shadow self can have consequences.The shadow often manifests as our triggers, in emotional reactions and outbursts causing ruinous moments and relationships. It takes self-awareness, practice and training, the right guidance, and accountability to help us face our shadow self in a healthy way. However, working with obsidian can speed up this process, by transmuting those low vibrations in the most integrative ways.The energy of obsidian brings to the surface anything and everything that might be causing us to show up in our lowest forms thereby causing awareness and action to remove it. 

“Unfortunately there can be no doubt that man is, on the whole, less good than he imagines himself or wants to be. Everyone carries a shadow, and the less it is embodied in the individual’s conscious life, the blacker and denser it is. At all counts, it forms an unconscious snag, thwarting our most well-meant intentions.” 

Since it’s so quick acting, it must be regularly cleaned to remove energetic debris. 

Feng Shui your home and office space with black obsidian. The main entrance, near the front door of your home is a must place for obsidian. It is the place where different people and energies come into your house and also in your life. It protects your home from negative energies and bounces any negative vibrations on contact. When you work with obsidian in this way, you’ll even witness its work when certain people will prefer NOT to come to your house or they will remain outside your front door. That’s the cutting energy of obsidian. They cannot come in! 

This stone pairs nicely with tiger’s eye crystal and any other obsidian stone varieties.
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